With two adequate words in the title, we need to define what we propose by spirituality and healing. Let us specify spirituality not with words but with experiential scenarios. First, in spirituality, something above your conditioned ego controls your heart. As per Devi Chitralekha Bhagwat Katha , "that means your thoughts, as well as past conditioning, do not limit the expression of your heart. Consider the high quality of love shared in a spiritual moment." Your love for individuals in your life exists without any mental resistance and places you into a heedful moment. We call this the Knowledge of your Body. Your preconditioned attitudes regarding points don't affect the expression of your heart. Preferences and what you identify with don't impact the easy unconditional love that spirituality offers. Just how you were taught to assume doesn't change the expression of the heart in silence, where you are deeply attached to the Wisdom of the Body. Chitra...
An appellant treading the passage of spiritual development as well as enlightenment is faced with insights and experience. Functioning knowledge of the numerous “relocating components” involved in human consciousness is beneficial to aid the seeker in addressing the problems that arise. Katha Shrimad Bhagwat Chitralekha Ji narration has recognized the significant aspects of human recognition and the stages that establish during the growth and advancement of awareness. She likewise supplies a fundamental guideline or roadmap for attending to the problems that emerge and comprehending the process. It would help if you kept in mind that he does not define an exact sole method to walk that path while discovering the required steps to have one introductory approach. Every individual has to take on those ideas, practices, and instructions that suit the current requirement. This may include techniques created or taken on in any religious beliefs or spiritual tradition, or n...